- To set a standard of education and practical technical proficiency through its qualified membership, maintaining this standard by continuing association with industrial and educational progress
- To provide an examination structure reflecting the quality of membership at each level and to seek always to improve the quality
- To offer facilities to all members for the exchange of information and techniques
- To offer facilities and guidance for students and other members for progress with their chosen careers and within the membership of the Institution
- To provide leadership and vision for the Engineering, Incorporated Engineers as a whole
- To speak with powerful voice to those outside the profession, in Sri Lanka and Internationally
- To provide a framework of harnessing resources of the profession to best effect
- To evaluate the professional status of Incorporated Engineers to high standards, thereby serving the public interest in Wealth creation, Health, Safety and Environment
- To meet the needs of Incorporated Engineers to develop their skills knowledge and continuing professional development
- To ensure the supply of Incorporated Engineers to meet the future needs of the industry, Commerce, Government and Society
- To ensure awareness in society of the role of Incorporated Engineers to enable the profession exerts its proper influence in the community